Research Cloud - Vibrent

Research Cloud

A Single Platform for Managing Study Data, Processes,
and Digital Marketing for Health and Clinical Research.

Purpose-built for health and clinical research in collaboration with the NIH and researchers across the country. Research Cloud supports all of your outreach, recruitment, and engagement methods.

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Meet People Where They Are

The fastest path to achieving your research goals is to offer participants multiple methods of completing milestones.

Research Cloud supports virtual and in-clinic data collection, scheduling, and survey responses.

With a single place to manage all of their engagements, appointments, survey responses, cases, and communications – study staff can provide consistent support across digital, telephone, SMS, direct mail, or face-to-face interactions.

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Achieve Your Diversity Goals

The FDA requires your research study to meet specific diversity goals – are you ready to comply with those reporting mandates?

Research Cloud simplifies how you monitor and report on that data. Dashboards and reports provide you with real-time views of the diversity in your research study participant population. Quickly generate required reports that ease your workload in reporting and remaining compliant.

Help Hard-to-Reach Populations Complete Your Protocol

Increase survey completions for those who have reduced digital access or comfort with built-in computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI).

Provide your study staff access to only what they need to deliver scripted interviews and accurately capture every answer and datapoint.

Or deliver surveys in the mail through USPS integration.

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Effective Community Engagement

Meet your recruitment and diversity targets with a completely configurable outreach website. Capture information about prospective study participants to develop your registry.

Then run automated or high touch enrollment campaigns to turn prospects into consented participants.

Achieve Recruitment Targets

Create custom engagement campaigns that educate and encourage prospects to enroll in your research study. Create custom call lists, email campaigns, SMS campaigns, or direct mail outreach based on who you want to reach.

Research Cloud dashboards then will reveal exactly what types of communication work best for your outreach, and what prospect groups are the best targets.

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Create Campaigns that Work

Research Cloud gives you a scientific approach to testing your recruitment techniques to discover what really works.

Empower study teams with the tools and insights that unlock the answers about the messages and outreach that resonates with each group in your community. And easily target based on your discoveries, so you can get the right message to people, whether it’s via email, SMS, mobile app, direct mail, or a phone call.

Retain Participants for the Long Term

Research Cloud provides your study teams with the intelligence they need to reach those who can benefit from your research with the right message, using the right method.

Understand how best to reach each group based on the insights that Research Cloud reveals about their behavior, response, and preferences.

Streamline appointment scheduling, case management, and participant support through central records management or participant self-service tools.

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Maintain Security and Privacy - at Every Level

Easily control access for users to ensure your staff only sees what they should.

Manage security and maintain participant privacy at every level and monitor change and access centrally in real-time.

Research Cloud keeps your research compliant with requirements including HIPAA, NIST, FISMA, FIPS, SOC 1 and 2 Type II, PCI DSS, and FedRAMP (medium).

White Glove Service

Our implementation services include meticulous attention to detail to ensure a successful implementation of your study. You focus on the research, and we’ll make sure you can perform it.

Services include:

  • On-demand learning center

  • Individualized training

  • Dedicated support

  • Dedicated project manager

  • IRB submission support

  • eConsent design

  • EHR setup

  • Remote sampling kits

  • Wearable or medical device technologies

  • Recruitment and engagement strategies

“With Vibrent Health, we are utilizing a robust and integrated platform that was funded by and developed in collaboration
with National Institutes of Health over many years.”

Wright Center Director at Virginia Commonwealth University

The Features You Need to Reach Your Recruitment, Diversity, and Retention Targets.

Study Website Builder

Easily create branded study webpages and upload all of your study materials for outreach. Create customized forms so you can build your registry online or at events.

Recruitment Tools

Capture leads, develop registries and run automated or high touch enrollment campaigns to turn prospects into consented participants.

Campaign Management

Create campaigns across phone, email, SMS, or direct mail. Easily perform targeting, personalization, and A/B testing.

Real-Time Dashboards

Research Cloud dashboards offer a real-time picture of how participants are responding to your study’s marketing strategies.

Appointment Scheduling

Centrally schedule virtual or in-person appointments directly from the participant’s record, or allow self-scheduling via the Participant Experience Manager.

Computer-Assisted Telephonic Interview

Enable study staff to complete survey research via telephone call with a fully secure system-guided script.

Participant Records Management

Whether it’s gathering information, or providing account support, maintain a single accurate record of all interactions a participant has with your study staff.

Case Management

Centralize participant interactions and support in a single place. Quickly view all digital and non-digital engagements so each participant gets personalized support.

Workflow Management

Increase the efficiency of your research team and study staff by connecting your work, people, and processes in automated workflow. Ensure every milestone and follow up is assigned and completed.

Task Management

Easily manage appointments, calls, and tasks from your Research Cloud calendar. Add, reschedule, or cancel appointments - and even measure your appointment load against targets.

Customized Queries

Powerful and flexible query tools allow you to target based on any data from the unified participant record. Use queries to power your outreach, campaigns, and call lists to deliver the right message and support at the right time.

Participant Support

Resolve common inconveniences without escalation so you can retain the participants you worked so hard to get, including password reset, unlocking accounts, editing information or preferences centrally.

Purpose-built for health and clinical research in collaboration with the NIH and researchers across the country. Research Cloud supports all of your outreach, recruitment, and engagement methods.

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